Sunday, August 2, 2009

Monday June 2, 2008 - About Sama

Samakhulis of the Druids started out like any other adventurer. She passed through the flame. Of course, everyone knows that...everyone has to do this in order to enter Sapience. During her Trial of Rebirth, Sama chose to become a Druid and to join the city of Eleusis.

Being fairly familiar with the aspects of Achaea, she immediately traversed to New Thera where she began initial learning from Tyrandiel, the Wise. From here she travelled to Minia, where her training began. Hunting the evil there (in order to gain a Sepharic alignment of course), she was soon promoted to the 21st Circle. From here she was permanently banned from the Newbie areas and had nowhere to go, and nothing to do except hunt. Of course, her skills in the Druid Class were slowly being increased, but the potential was yet to be unlocked, as she did not know why she had them.

Deciding that the best option would be to join the Druid House, she did so. Upon induction, she was immediately greeted by Nixxe, a senior Druidess and leader of the newcomers of the Druid House. As with any house, there was required reading, which was immediately set to work.

A few days into her reading, she received a personal invitation by Druidess Aohara, a Rajamala, aide to Nixxe, to receive initial learning. Upon reaching the grove (the home) of Aohara, it was discovered that Sama had already used all initial lessons in learning much of what was required.

In short, Sama learned all the required abilities, and completed the required assignments and was shortly (to the chagrine of Nixxe, who didn't like newcomers to rush) named Apprentice Druidess Samakhulis, Gatherer of Mistletoe. From here she joined the Green Thumb Institute, a required training clan of all members, and began her learning of the love of Nature and knowledge of how to protect Her (nature).

Here, experiences will be written in first person, just like the actual experience in-game.

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