Sunday, August 2, 2009

CUTE picture

Okay, so I'm a big fan of Calvin and Hobbes. After spending time with Sevilla (a kitty friend), I came across this one and found it to be rather relevant.


  1. Hmm, that scene seems extremely familiar... lalala... I do miss you lots though! You make me wait so long just to see youu

  2. Woohoo! I inspired you to go look up a comic strip! Heehee. I love Calvin and Hobbes, by the way. And yes. That strip is quite relevant! Nothing better than snuggling a kitty.

  3. Heehee!! No. Actually it was the other way around. I was inspired when I SAW the comic...I didn't expect to see it until I saw it, if that makes any sense.

  4. Sama.... You got me all confused now...

  5. Don't be confused! Snuggle-time with Sevilla is oh so nice! You should try it sometime ;).

  6. I had no idea, Sama!


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