Wednesday, September 15, 2010

TFG Updates

There have been a TON of major updates to the Fairy Garden.

1) MCP-Server finally sent me an email saying they were shutting down free service at the end of October. So with this confirmed, I opened up a new service with Vermaxhosting. And they didn't let me pick my own port, so the online service, whenever it's on is at:
Port: 9304

2) I've also been hosting the server from my own laptop with a free DNS thingy.. That is at:
Port: 3349

3) We have a new player: Lynara, from Achaea, who has actually been debugging a TON of stuff within the last week. It seems to be her area of expertise. But of course, I've told her not to break the world..just a few bugs at a time please!! ;)

4) We've upgraded to 1.8.4p1. Fun fun.

5) I want a TON like I said I had, so here's a fifth bullet point.

Anyway, I can't wait. oh here's something else.

6) The localhost one even has a nice website with wiki and Shimmie and I already announced this didn't I? Yes I did. I recall seeing the Shimmie tag in one of my previous posts. Never mind. Carry on.

Anyway, I can't think of anything else right take care and have fun.


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