Saturday, March 27, 2010

MUSHClient wait command

I'm not entirely sure if more recent versions of MUSHClient have a built-in wait function, but back when -I- started, here's how we had to make it work.

Change your Send To: to 'Script.'

In the Send box, type the following to initialize a wait:

require "wait"
wait.make (function ()

Send("other Command")
Note("Five Seconds since other command.")


Monday, March 22, 2010

ZMud Connecting to the Fairy Garden...

Remind myself! Let me step myself through ZMud really quick so I know exactly how to write it out here :D.

So after installing and what-not, you'll get a window that shows a list of MU*'s to connect to (especially if you told the installation to include sample MU*'s). Anyhow, you'll use the New (+) button up at the top, change the host to and the port to 3349 and then click the big Save button. If you get listings, don't click through them because that'll just change all that information that you just entered.

Once you've saved it, you'll see a new icon in your list that says, "" You can now edit this and see a few more fields to change like the Name which might be something like "The Fairy Garden." I added a custom icon I created from a fairy avatar I found someplace also. This is done by clicking the big square button with the default icon on the right. If you so wish, you can also pull down the Type drop-down and change it to Mush, although this is probably only for sorting and searching purposes.

Once you've edited it like you want, you can hit "Save" and then "Connect." Now the connection window will disappear completely and the world window will open. From here I'd suggest possibly loading the map file I've created. This is located at and is that FairyG.mdb file. Download the file to some reasonable location which you don't expect to move it from, then click the Map button in ZMud. It'll open a new blank map. Do File>Open and browse for the mdb file that you just downloaded.

Load it and it should open up the map with the active room as the last room I just edited. It'd then be best to search around, most likely in the World zone, for the room where you are at. If you do a THINK LOC(HERE), you can find the dbref of the room that you are already in and then search the map for that room. The map rooms also have dbrefs associated with them, but should not be confused with the default room numbers which are autonumbers given to them by ZMud itself. BTW, if you are starting out as a completely new player, you'll start in Room #0, which in the Map is Room #606 (Before the Cave of Creation), located in the Limbo Zone. If you right click this room and look at Properties>Other, you'll see that VNum has been changed to 0 to reflect the DBRef of the room. In any case, find your current room, right click and Set Current Position.

Note: This map is not PERFECT, as some exits will lead to random locations where the map will not be able to anticipate. Therefore, it might be useful to play around with your map follow options and stay on Safe or Slow mode and research on how to trigger your location with the room number. Of course, as a mortal player, you'll not see room numbers by default, and many of the room names are duplicates of many other room names, so that'll take a bit of work on MY part. Maybe I should make sure that the room number is included no matter if you have the flag set to see them or not.

Yay! Hope this works! If you have any questions, ask....Sevilla. She's better at ZMud than I am. I like my MUSHClient ;).